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Ice and Snow Projects: Projects

Childhood Friend BATRISHTA

This kind of Egyptian Turtles is endangered.

Thus we do care about environment protection  and make this sculpture to support animal reservation on behalf of Egypt. The amulet and the turtle represent the health and life.

24th Harbin International Snow Sculpture Competition - Harbin - China.

Joint Team of Egypt and Poland.

Commemorative Prize.


Minotour and Tezues

The work show the battle between Minotour and Tezues in Greek mythology.

23rd Harbin International Snow Sculpture Competition - Harbin - China.

Joint Team of Egypt and Poland.

Prize of Excellent works.

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The first Ice Sculpture by Egyptian hands.
China 2018
"The 32nd Harbin International Ice Sculpture Competition"

The Competition between 34 countries from all over the world. 
Duration:2 days
Working in -25 degree
Excellent Award.
Team Egypt
200x120x60 cm


Harp of life

Music is life, The Harp is the first musical instruments for the ancient Egyptians.
The 33rd Harbin International Ice Sculpture Competition - Harbin - China. 
Team Egypt.
Excellence Prize.


The Egyptian Scarab Beetle was associated with the god of the Rising Sun called Khepri, represents rejuvenation, divine wisdom and immortality and luck.

The 8th China Harbin International Ice-Assemblage Sculpture Championship.

Joint Team of Egypt and Poland.

Excellence prize.

15-8第三十三届中国·哈尔滨冰雕比赛优秀奖《卓瑟王金字塔 》 埃及-波兰联队.

The Pyramid Of Djoser

Simulate of The Pyramid of Djoser in different dimensions 2D, As Egypt's first pyramid in all history of humanity.

The 33rd Harbin International Ice Sculpture Competition - Harbin - China. 

Joint Team of Egypt and Poland.

Amateur Artists.

Excellence Prize.

Ice and Snow Projects: Projects
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